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Rodolfo Comerio wins the “Tire Manufacturing Innovation of the Year” award: it is the first calendering line manufacturer in Italy and over the world to achieve this milestone.

To keep up with an increasingly evolving and ever more demanding market, RODOLFO COMERIO is constantly seeking innovative technologies and adapting to meet the changing customer demands.

In recent years, the R&D department’s priority has been to develop and patent various specific technical solutions, particularly for the Tire sector, in order to improve the quality of the finished product, avoid labour costs and production losses, and at the same time ensure greater safety for operators through several automatisms in the whole calendering process.

Specifically, RODOLFO COMERIO has successfully patented and installed the following solutions:


Devices to automatically thread the new fabric head and insert a rubber strip into the press to perform the joint with rubber curing in less than 8 seconds.

  • RC SF-FREESystem

The application of a sliding system with a very low friction that allows to add, with very good results, the brand-new regulation by pressure of the nip 2-3 to the classic nip adjustment by distance.


System for reducing the risk of rolls collision in case of missing rubber into the calender bank feeding.


Devices designed for a fully automatic polythene threading and easy and economical loading of the reels.


Winders, based on shuttle operation type, consisting of a central element to which two extractable carriages are hooked, each one provided with a winding beam for rubberized material and an unwinding beam for liner, which traverses orthogonally as to the line, in order to facilitate bobbin extraction and insertion operations.

The carriage is picked up by various systems, either manually with a tow tractor or automatically with an AGV vehicle, and can be taken to storage or transferred directly to subsequent ply-cutting machines.


System to make the threading of the new steel cord head automatic, without the manual intervention of the operator, manufacturing a shuttle type winder with a device that approaches the cord to the beam to accompany it around and, after winding a few turns, it goes away.

This drive for innovation has never stopped, and this year RODOLFO COMERIO reached another important milestone: at the latest “Tire Technology International Awards for Innovation and Excellence,” held in Hannover last March during the Tire Technology Exhibition, the company had the honour of being the first calendering line manufacturer in Italy and over the world to receive the coveted “Tire Manufacturing Innovation of the Year” award for its revolutionary patented “RC Calendar Quick-ChangeSystem”.

This patent’s aim is to perform the production change in the shortest possible time, making a configuration change at material inlet into the calender, in order to pass from the textile cord production to the steel cord one and vice versa. The calendaring line has been designed and manufactured to allow the textile and steel cord to have a quick and automatic change with also the insertion and change of grooved rolls for steel cord end-count.

Another aim of the PATENT is to have quickly available, in front of calender roll 3, the textile laminating roll to laminate the fabric and then the two end-count rolls to laminate the steel cord. The calender has been designed and manufactured with the first end-count roll assembled on levers that allow to place it in working position by means of a pneumatic device. The second end-count roll for steel cord and the accompanying roll of the fabric are fixed on a rotating supporting unit that allows to place them alternately in working position. Furthermore, the end-count rolls are assembled on sliding blocks allowing them to easily come out on the calender side, in order to be replaced, through the machine frame on the heating side, where a hoist stores them on a rack.

With the “RC Calendar Quick-ChangeSystem”, manufacturers benefit from the following advantages:

• 50% reduction of time for end-count roll change
• 50% reduction of machine downtime for new set-ups
• 50% increase in productivity
• 60% reduction of the staff used for the operations of end-count roll change
• 50% reduction of the time for line set-up for production changes
• 50% reduction of the staff used for the joint operations
• 100% increase of the safety standards according to EC regulations
• Increase of the production quality standards

Recognition for this innovative and cutting-edge system has put RODOLFO COMERIO in the spotlight, confirming its leadership in the production of high-performance rubber processing machinery and making it the trusted partner of major Tire manufacturers.